Monday, August 30, 2010

Wagner - Lohengrin - Kubelik, Chor & Symphonieorch. Bayrischer Rundfunk

Wagner - Lohengrin - Kubelik, Chor &
Symphonieorch. Bayrischer Rundfunk

Opera | Eac, flac, cue | log, cover | 3 CD, 0.99 GB
May 2, 1996 | DG | RapidShare

There's never a dull moment in this vivid, theatrical Lohengrin.

The attributes of the version under consideration, which appears for the first time on CD, have been underestimated. It held my interest from first to last, not least thanks to Kubelik's masterly overview. Not only does he successfully hold together all the disparate strands of the sprawling work, he also imparts to them a sense of inner excitement through his close attention to the small notes and phrases that so often delineate character in this score and through his vital control of the large ensembles. He is helped inestimably by the Bavarian Radio forces - gloriously singing strings, characterful winds, trenchant, involving chorus -of which he was, in 1971, a beloved chief. There's never a dull moment in this vivid, theatrical Lohengrin. The recording, produced by Hans Hirsch, imparts a suitably spacious atmosphere to the piece but also places the principals up front where they should be except when distancing is required - as at Lohengrin's first appearance and at the moment when Elsa appears on the balcony to address the night breezes.

Janowitz's Elsa is one of the set's major assets. Pure in tone, imaginative in phrasing, she catches the ear from her first entry, very much suggesting Elsa's vulnerability, then implies all her blind faith and belief in her saviour - listen to the single phrase "Verzeih euch mir!" when she is telling evil Ortrud of her love for the unnamed knight -though her part in the big Act 2 ensembles sometimes puts a strain on her lovely tone. Later she eloquently conveys her deep feelings in the love duet, followed by her voicing of all the doubts that beset confused Elsa.

King's Lohengrin is more ordinary; today we would be grateful for such solid, musical and welljudged singing, few if any Lohengrins can sing the passage starting "Höchstes Vertraun" (third disc, track 5) with anything like King's true tone and powerful conviction. Thomas Stewart sings a sturdy Telramund, managing the high tessitura with consummate ease. He is horribly plausible in his complaints against Elsa. This portrayal, taken with his roughly contemporaneous Sachs, also made under KubelIk and only recently rescued from DG's vaults by Myto, discloses him as a grossly undervalued singer, possibly because he lay under the long shadow of Hotter in the late 1960s and early 1970s.--Gramophone


01. Vorspiel [0:08:18.00]
02. 1. Akt / 1. Szene / »Hört! Grafen, Edle, Freie von Brabant!« [0:04:42.17]
03. 1. Akt / 1. Szene / »Dank, König, dir, daß du zu richten kamst!« [0:07:12.82]
04. 1. Akt / 2. Szene / »Seht hin! Sie naht, die hart Beklagte!« [0:04:00.00]
05. 1. Akt / 2. Szene / »Einsam in trüber Tagen« [0:04:53.00]
06. 1. Akt / 2. Szene / »Mich irret nicht ihr träumerischer Mut« [0:05:20.86]
07. 1. Akt / 2. Szene / »Wer hier in Gotteskampf zu streiten kam« [0:05:22.00]
08. 1. Akt / 3. Szene / »Nun sei bedank, mein lieber Schwan!« [0:03:49.73]
09. 1. Akt / 3. Szene / »Zum Kampf für eine Magd zu stehn« [0:05:40.46]
10. 1. Akt / 3. Szene / »Welch holde Wunder muß ich sehen?« [0:03:34.00]
11. 1. Akt / 3. Szene / »Nun höret mich und achtet wohl« [0:01:52.13]
12. 1. Akt / 3. Szene / »Mein Herr und Gott, nun ruf' ich dich« [0:05:39.66]
13. 1. Akt / 3. Szene / »Durch Gottes Sieg ist jetzt dein Leben mein« [0:04:35.13]
14. 2. Akt / 1. Szene / Einleitung [0:04:23.24]
15. 2. Akt / 1. Szene / »Erhebe dich, Genossin meiner Schmach!« [0:08:19.76]

01. 2. Akt / 1. Szene / »Du wilde Seherin, wie willst du doch« [0:08:06.00]
02. 2. Akt / 2. Szene / »Euch Lüften, die mein Klagen« [0:03:51.20]
03. 2. Akt / 2. Szene / »Elsa!« -- »Wer ruft?« [0:04:36.04]
04. 2. Akt / 2. Szene / »Entweihte Götter! Helft jetzt meiner Rache!« [0:04:16.26]
05. 2. Akt / 2. Szene / »Wie kann ich solche Huld dir lohnen« [0:08:31.96]
06. 2. Akt / 3. Szene / Szenenmusik [0:03:25.40]
07. 2. Akt / 3. Szene / »In Früh'n versammelt uns der Ruf« [0:01:27.20]
08. 2. Akt / 3. Szene / »Des Königs Wort und Will' tu' ich euch kund« [0:08:27.73]
09. 2. Akt / 4. Szene / »Gesegnet soll sie schreiten« [0:05:33.86]
10. 2. Akt / 4. Szene / »Zurück, Elsa! Nicht länger will ich dulden« [0:05:34.90]
11. 2. Akt / 5. Szene / »Heil! Heil dem König!« [0:03:22.73]
12. 2. Akt / 5. Szene / »O König! Trugbetörte Fürsten! Haltet ein!« [0:05:57.53]
13. 2. Akt / 5. Szene / »Welch ein Geheimnis muß der Held bewahren?« [0:05:28.56]
14. 2. Akt / 5. Szene / »Mein Held, entgegne kühn dem Ungetreuen!« [0:06:51.60]

01. 3. Akt / Vorspiel [0:03:34.44]
02. 3. Akt / 1. Szene / »Treulich geführt ziehet dahin« [0:04:58.22]
03. 3. Akt / 2. Szene / »Das süße Lied verhallt; wir sind allein« [0:07:34.60]
04. 3. Akt / 2. Szene / »Atmest du nicht mit mir die süße Düfte?« [0:05:02.13]
05. 3. Akt / 2. Szene / »Höchstes Vertraun hast du mir schon zu danken« [0:08:10.20]
06. 3. Akt / 2. Szene / »Weh, nun ist all unser Glück dahin« [0:05:20.90]
07. 3. Akt / 3. Szene / Szenenmusik [0:03:27.20]
08. 3. Akt / 3. Szene / »Hat Dank, ihr Lieben von Brabant!« [0:03:42.20]
09. 3. Akt / 3. Szene / »Macht Platz dem Helden von Brabant!« [0:06:28.09]
10. 3. Akt / 3. Szene / »In fernem Land, unnahbar euren Schritten« [0:06:20.13]
11. 3. Akt / 3. Szene / »Mir schwanck der Boden! Welche Nacht!« [0:06:12.77]
12. 3. Akt / 3. Szene / »Mein lieber Schawn!« [0:08:27.09]

Richard Wagner (1813-1883)

Lohengrin (1850)
Romantic Opera in Three Acts
Libretto: Richard Wagner

Elsa......................................Gundula Janowitz, soprano
Ortrud....................................Gwyneth Jones, mezzo-Soprano
Lohengrin.................................James King, tenor
Telramund.................................Thomas Stewart, baritone
Herald....................................Gerd Nienstedt, baritone
King Henry................................Karl Ridderbusch, bass

Bavarian Radio Chorus,
Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra
Conductor: Rafael Kubelík
Redording: 1971


  1. Hello Otto,

    First, I must apologize to you for going off on File Factory a few days (weeks) ago. I was wrong to blow off at you. Please forgive me.

    Secondly, I've been patiently downloading the DGG Lohengrin with File Factory. If tribulation works patience, I may be a saint some day.

    But I'm writing to say that I've tried the RapidShare links underneath the entry, and could not get them to work (RapidShare is the only Uploader I've kept premium account).

    Do you have any thoughts that may be helpful?

    Bob from Georgia USA


  3. Thank you very much, Mr. Otto. That was a great help.

    with kind regards,

    Bob from Georgia USA


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